This serie of products allows to integrate a BACnet network with an EtherNetIP net.
The HD67682 is a BACnet Slave / EtherNetIP Converter and it allows you to connect a BACnet Master net with an EtherNeIP net (for example an OMRON PLC, an Allen-Bradley PLC...) in order to exchange the informations between the networks.
The HD67689 is a BACnet Slave / EtherNetIP Master Converter and it allows you to connect a BACnet Master net with some EtherNeIP devices (for example Encoder, I/O...) in order to exchange the informations between the networks.
The HD67722 is a BACnet Master / EtherNetIP Converter and it allows you to connect some BACnet Slaves devices with an EtherNeIP net (for example an OMRON PLC, an Allen-Bradley PLC...) in order to exchange the informations between the networks.
HD67682-IP, HD67689-IP, HD67722-IP support both BACnet/IP and BACnet/Ethernet. The connection to BACnet is done over Ethernet.
HD67682-MSTP, HD67689-MSTP, HD67722-MSTP supports BACnet MSTP. The connection to BACnet is done over RS485.